SHORT BIO OF THE ACTOR: Alexandra is a British-American actress and writer, based in London. She grew up between the UK and Turkey, and speaks French and Mandarin. With a background in comedy, theatre, and screen work, she wrote and shot Same Page, her first short comedy drama, during the pandemic.
- How did you get involved in acting?
As a child I wrote plays to perform at home with my younger brother. Then we moved on to watching scenes from our favourite films over and over again so we could write them out word for word and film them ourselves. I’d also do impressions of my family and teachers at school. And growing up speaking different languages I always felt I being a different character.
- How different is it to act in a movie and to act in a theater play? And which one do you prefer?
On stage you have much more control over your performance. In a film you have very little, and I really like that communal aspect. It’s nice to be able to do both.
- What are your strong points as an actor?
I have a very lively imagination. Unfortunately that makes it hard for me to watch horror films because they stay with me for a long time.
- What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career?
Listening – that’s probably the most important thing. I actually prefer listening to talking. As a child I liked sitting in the corner and listening to people talking, not so much their words, but intonation and speech pattern. I still like doing that but I think it’s seen as less socially acceptable for adults.
- What makes a good scene partner?
Hopefully someone who’s listening and someone you trust.
- What are some of the difficulties of the acting business?
Business cards. No one makes good business cards anymore.
- What’s challenging about bringing a script to life?
When there are lots of possible directions to take it in, but in the end you have to choose just one.
- What do you do when you’re not doing theatre/film?
I do voice acting for video games and commercials, and I write scripts and lots of lists, lists for all sorts of things.
- If someone is going to make your life into a movie, who would play you?
My younger brother. He looks good in my clothes, and is always accusing me of stealing his clothes.