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Director: Theresa Varga

Country: United Kingdom

Duration: 10:00

Synopsis: A spaced out but wildly imaginative stoner goes on a quest to the seek the truth about “Bossman” a local chicken shop owner and his secret chicken shop plans that seem out of this world.

Director Biography – Theresa Varga

I love to direct comedic and strange films and really think about every detail in the production, particularly I love to use colour with mood to enhance each and every character. Imagination and surrealism are the key to my filmmaking, with a creative hands-on approach to all of my work. I constantly strive to be surrounded by inspiration and artistic people and I love the team I work with.

Achievements to date include directorial pieces shortlisted for the NYNL Film Festival in New York, British Urban Film Festival and Tri-force at BAFTA in London and the acclaimed BFI Flare Festival as well as Winner of IdeasTap Film Showcase in association with BAFTA and winner of IdeasTap Graduate Award -¬‐ Short Film.The graphic design uses bold colors and has a strong visual impact.

Director Statement

May the fried chicken be with you.
