“World Premiere Video” – The Music Video that survived after Music Television didn’t | United States | 2020 | 12’
Diector: Mike J. Nichols
Writer: Mike J. Nichols
Producer: Mike J. Nichols
Cast: Mike J. Nichols
Synopsis: Over 30 years ago, a young filmmaker embarked on a mission to make a low budget Music Video using Super-8 film – This Music Video paid tribute and homages to the 1980’s Music Television channel, MTV. Inspired by Eddie Van Halen and Frank Zappa’s son, Dweezil, he borrowed a guitar and wrote his first song entitled, I WANT TO BE ON MTV – and thereafter attempted to make a music video spoofing MTV favorites like Bon Jovi, Van Halen and even the New Kids On The Block. Amazingly, MTV’s own Dweezil Zappa did a cameo in this Music Video. But… …a fire destroys all the Super-8 footage and all this time it has been presumed lost… for 30 years…. YET, during the COVID-19 SXSW shut down, The Zappa documentary lost it’s World Premiere so Mike J. Nichols – the editor of the Zappa documentary – finally found an old tape of this lost Super-8 footage and during confinement created his own surprisingly heartwarming mini documentary to turn his lost Super-8 film footage into a WORLD PREMIERE VIDEO!!!! This is an honest and feel-good testament to a time when the world loved Steven Spielberg and George Lucas and everyday kids could use Super-8 film to make their own dreams toward one day making it in Hollywood…