Director Bio:
Elaine Wong is a recent MFA graduate in Film and Television Production at the University of Southern California. Her thesis film Where Dreams Rest has garnered awards in the U.S. and internationally. Prior to pursuing film, Elaine worked as a reporter at Sing Tao Daily (Western Edition). She has interned for Scott Hamilton Kennedy (The Garden, Fame High), and Janet Yang (Joy Luck Club).
黄怡高中时從香港移居到三藩市。新聞文學系本科畢業後曾在星岛日报美西版担任记者,短短一年后晋升为资深记者。採訪來自各行各業的精英人士後,發現自己想透過電影更深層訴說故事,於是辞掉工作, 獨自成為背包客去歐洲流浪。其後為了跟奥斯卡提名导演 Scott Kennedy實習而搬到洛杉磯,亦曾與制片人杨燕子實習。在南加大念電影碩士期間,發現自己東方思維與好萊塢敘事方式有所不同,於是在毕业作品《梦归处》作出首次詩意嘗試。
Film Production Company:
Chinclusive Productions is a communication and video production company based in Los Angeles/San Francisco founded by Elaine Wong and Winnie Deng. Being bilingual in Chinese and English, it hopes to bind all communities together, creating an inclusive environment for all.
Film Credits:
Written & Directed by Elaine Wong 黃怡
Produced by Ariel Du, Lareina Joelle 杜佳憶、黃祖兒
Cinematography by Ante Cheng 程安德
Production Design by Jolene Zhao 趙悅玲
Editing by Mengxue Hou 侯夢雪
Sound Design by Longwei Deng 鄧龍威
Music by Peter Lam 林永鏗
Starring: Michelle Sun 孫小雪, Zhan Wang 王展