Sycamore | Turkey | 2019 | 15’
Actor: Mahmut Gökgöz
Cinematographer: Erkan Șimșir-Gokhan Deniz
Director: Mehmet Tığlı
Writer: Mehmet Tığlı
Producer: Erkan Şimşir
Cast: Mahmut Gökgöz, Barış Aksavaş, Sefa Turan
Synopsis: An old man spends the day wandering the streets of Istanbul. He communicates with the trees and seagulls rather than other people. All day, he checks the ATMs to find change like a child, even though he does not own an ATM card. He gets happy when he finds money and indignant when he doesn’t. For the old man, life is like a game that has remained from his childhood. And the sycamore leaves are a part of this innocent game.