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Short Film Factory #09

Wensday 22nd September 2010, short films will apear again in the urban culture context of Romania. Starting with this season, “Short to the point, Short Film Area ” wants to consolidate the links between the film lovers of Romania, within the monthly event “Short Film Factory” that will take plase simultaneously in many Romanian cities.Bucharest, Timişoara, Cluj, Braşov, Iaşi, Sibiu şi Târgu Mureş are wainting for you starting with september to enjoy 2 hours of the best intarnational short films produced in the last few years.

The first projection takes place on the 22nd of September, 21:00 pm. The short films showed in this very firt eddition come from 6 countries: UK, Japan, Spain, Germany, Hungary and Romania.

The locations that will host the next upcoming events are: Bucharest- Club Fabrica, Timişoara – Club Setup, Cluj – Club Insomnia, Braşov – Ceainăria Ceai ETC, Iaşi – Club Brain, Sibiu – Art Café, Tg. Mureş – Teatru 74.

For avoiding any inconvinience, considering the limited spaces that are provided in the different locations mentioned above, please make a reservation in time ,call 0040 729 742 975or text(normal rate)*Surname*Name*City*Number of seats. The tickets will be available just in the day the event takes place, in every location. Price ticket is 10 RON
