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List of the films screened at June 2017 Short Film Factory edition

This is the list of the films screened at June 2017 Short Film Factory edition.


The Devil is in the details

BEST FILM @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Fabien Gorgeart

Country: France

Duration: 19:25


RO: 1859. Alexina, suplinitor  într-o mănăstire unde a crescut, suferă de dureri insuportabile. După examinare, medicul constată că este o hermafrodită. Potrivit lui, de vreme ce partea masculina predomină, Alexina se dovedeste a fi bărbat. Ea nu are altă posibilitate decât să părăsească școala cât mai repede posibil, renunțând la cea mai apropiată prietenă, Henriette.

EN: 1859. Alexina, a trainee school teacher in the young girl’s covent where she grew up, suffers from unbearables pains. After examination, the doctor finds out she is a hermaphrodite. According to him, since masculine prevails over all, Alexina is a man. She has no other choice than leaving her school as quickly as possible, giving up, her closest friend, Henriette.

The Devil is in the details 1



BEST DIRECTOR @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Marko Gjokovik

Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Duration: 30:00


RO: Ohrid, 4 mai 1980. Marko, fiul bucatarului din vila maresalului, primeste o sansa de a incerca mancarea care a fost gatita in fata ochilor sai toata viata.

EN: Ohrid, 4th of may 1980. Marko, son of the cook in the Marshal’s villa, get’s a chance to try the food that has been cooked in front of his eyes all his life.

Éclair 1


Best before end…

BEST SCREENPLAY @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Nicolas Fogliarini

Country: France

Duration: 14:30


RO: François, de 65 de ani, trăiește singur în apartamentul său umil. Nu are cu cine să vorbească de când mama lui a murit. Numai un porumbel care aterizează din când în când pe fereastră pare să-l viziteze. Acest film se bazează pe evenimente reale.

EN: François, 65 years old, lives alone in his humble flat. He has no one to talk to since his mother died. Only a pigeon landing on his window from time to time, seems to visit him. This film is based on true events.

Best before end... 1



BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Konstantina Kotzamani

Country: Greece

Duration: 29:50


RO: Leopardul se va culca cu capra. Lupii vor trăi împreună cu mieii. Iar băiatul îi va conduce. 12 + 1 copii și carcasa unei balene esuate pe țărm …

EN: The leopard shall lie down with the goat.  The wolves shall live with the lambs. And the young boy will lead them. 12+1 kids and the carcass of a whale washed ashore…

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BEST EDITING @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Nicolas Jullian Urenda

Country: Chile

Duration: 10:25


RO: Miguel, un tânăr de 31 de ani, tocmai a fost parasit de soția sa, dar nu știe cauza. Gloria, un terapeut alternativ, îl ajută să-și amintească ce sa întâmplat în zilele anterioare separării. În cele din urmă, Miguel poate înțelege motivul: el s-a culcat cu terapeutul. Tot acest conflict devine mai încurcat atunci când și-a dat seama ca sufera de un stadiu avansat de alzheimer.

EN: Miguel, a young men of 31 years old, has just been left by his wife, but he doesn’t know the cause. Gloria, an alternative therapist helps him to remember what happened the days prior to separation. Finally, Miguel can understand the reason, he has slept with the therapist. All this conflict becomes more tangled when he has figured out his advanced alzheimer.




BEST NARRATIVE SHORT FILM @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Giorgini Antoine

Country: France

Duration: 18:48


RO: Astăzi, Tony trebuie să participe la o audiție pentru o școala de teatru. Dar Steven, cel mai bun prieten și partener de lectură nu apare. După ce nu a reușit să găsească un alt voluntar, Tony renunță, determinat să nu mai vorbească din nou cu trădătorul.

EN: Today, Tony is supposed to audition for a drama school. But Steven, his best friend and reading partner, doesn’t show up. After having failed to find another volunteer, Tony gives up, determined to never speak to the traitor again.

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The Lake

BEST YOUNG DIRECTOR @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Ana Dascalu

Country: Romania

Duration: 25:53


RO: ”Lacul” prezinta povestea unei tinere, Tania, care locuieste alaturi de tatal sau. Datorita lipsei de bani, aceasta este nevoita sa lucreze intr-un bordel. Dorinta ei, inca din copilarie, a fost sa devina balerina, un vis care o urmareste pe tot parcursul filmului.

EN: “The Lake” presents the story of a young women, Tania, who lives with her father. Due to the lack of money, she chooses to work in a brothel. Her dream, ever since she was a child, is to become a ballerina, a dream that follows her throughout the film.

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Falling in Love

BEST ANIMATION SHORT FILM @ Short to the Point December 2016 Awards

Director: Giacomo Ghigo

Country: United Kingdom

Duration: 04:19


RO: “Falling in Love” este o comedie neagră care se rotește în jurul sinuciderii. Obosit de viata, “eroul nostru”, Salomone incearca fara niciun rezultat diferite moduri de a se sinucide, dar din fericire / din nefericire pentru el nu reuseste, pana cand se intalneste cu femeia din visele sale si se indragosteste de ea.

EN: ‘Falling in Love’ is a black comedy revolving around suicide. Tired of his life, our ‘hero’ Salomone endlessly tries to kill himself in various manners, but luckily/unluckily for him he keeps failing over and over, until he meets the woman of his dreams and falls in love with her.

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