- A producer is a leader or a boss?
I would say, it is none of that. A producer is of course leading in some way but from my perspective he/her is doing way more than that. Besides obvious things like taking care of the money, talking to agents, talking to actors/actresses, organizing locations , he/she is building a team that works.
- What qualities or attributes do you look for in people you are looking to employ or work with?
I love working with people that are trying to be real and emphatic. Additionally, it is always a pleasure to work with people that are open minded and have a strong believe in what they love to do.
- What do you look for in a script?
I always hope to get a script that I can instantly imagine. That is most of the time a good sign.
- How do you select a director?
I flip a coin, just kidding. It varies from project to project. The subject of the film matters.
- Would you recommend writers think like a producer when writing their script? Or, just write with reckless abandon and then worry about the cost, or whatever, after they’ve grabbed a producer’s attention.
I would go with second one because otherwise you limit the level of creativity that goes with writing a script.
- How involved in the writing of a project do you get? Are you more involved in the initial development?
The role of the producer is a bit different on every project whether the budget is large or small.
- How much influence as a producer do you have with the choices made by the director and/or DP?
Absolutely varies from project to project. Sometimes it is the director. Sometimes it is the actor/actress. Sometimes It is the producer.
- What is the most important thing you have learned during your career?
It is all about working with amazing people, working on projects that matter to you and learning.
- If you had an unlimited budget at your disposal, what would be your dream production project?
I would love to produce a film that is eco-friendly.
- What does the future of film look like?
We will see. I am not in the position to say that. Even If I could.