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Interview with producer Pawel Olearczyk

  • A producer is a leader or a boss?

There are instances in which you have to be a leader, but sometimes when you need to make a tough decision and convince other to do something for the good of the film you need to be a boss. Usually, when you are a good leader and people follow you, you will not have to boss around.

  • What qualities or attributes do you look for in people you are looking to employ or work with?

I definitely want to check the quality of the work they provide. I have to see if we do not have creative differences which would cause plenty of disagreements on set and afterwards. We need to understand the project and know what we are trying to achieve.

  • What do you look for in a script?

I have to find it interesting and unique. I have to have a feeling that it will look good on screen and that it is actually achievable. There are great scripts which are very pleasant when reading but really difficult to show in a visual form of a movie.

  • How do you select a director?

In case of Dream Store I simply looked into the mirror. I had instances when I have offered my script for other people to direct, so it’s not always like that. The process is the same as with any other crew member. I need to feel that we understand each other and that our vision is similar. I need to have a feeling that the director will deliver something which I will like and that we will get along.

  • Would you recommend writers think like a producer when writing their script? Or, just write with reckless abandon and then worry about the cost, or whatever, after they’ve grabbed a producer’s attention.

As a writer/producer I’m used to thinking like one being and I would advise it to everybody. You need to be aware on what stage of career you are at and what is your position on the market. Once you have a known name and producers fighting over your scripts you can write anything you wish and you will find someone willing to pay for it. Of course you can find that even if you are not a recognized writer, but it is much harder.

  • How involved in the writing of a project do you get? Are you more involved in the initial development?

Let me start the answer with my favorite word, it depends. If I would have an idea or a suggestion I would definitely want to share it, but if I would be okay with the script I would be okay with it. That’s simple.

  • How much influence as a producer do you have with the choices made by the director and/or DP?

Each relation between director and the producer is different. With each person you need to establish the boundaries which you shouldn’t cross on the process when it comes to decision making. Good of the film is the most important. If you choose your director wisely, you will not have conflicts on set.

  • What is the most important thing you have learned during your career?

Don’t give up.

  • If you had an unlimited budget at your disposal, what would be your dream production project?

It would definitely be something which would involve space and superheroes, but I guess someone has done it already.

  • What does the future of film look like?

I do not know what the future of film look like, especially in the time of COVID19, but I do believe the art of film will survive in one form or another. I wish we will not abandon cinemas for streaming platforms because the best movie experience you can get is at the cinema. No matter how big your TV at home is.
