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Linda Poščić Borovac

Interview with producer LINDA POŠČIĆ BOROVAC

  • A producer is a leader or a boss?

LEADER. Leaders say “Let’s go!” and it was like that on this movie, as well with other three we have filmed. Life is more fun if you play games. In this game I played a role of writer and producer trying to  translate vision in reality, inspiring others in the team that this “translation” is possible.

  • What qualities or attributes do you look for in people you are looking to employ or work with?

Considering the small budget we had at our disposal, in this case the chosen people were the ones with the unbeatable desire to try themselves at a project such as this and create with their hearts and zero calculation. Luckily we had found such a team.

None of us are in the movie business so it was a completely amateur effort, which I don’t consider to be of any less value; on the contrary, sometimes pure professionalism stifles creativity, enthusiasm, passion, and creates an unhealthy organization. That wasn’t the case with us as we have truly enjoyed wonderful relationships throughout the whole team on a journey to a mutual goal. I’m proud of all of us who have contributed to this project because of the gratitude, positivity, humility, respect and responsibility we have each shown to what was being created.

  • What do you look for in a script?

A satire is a lesson, a parody is a game. Since this project was about both, what was importnat was the message conveyed through playfulness. This was the most imporant thing to me, both as a writer of the original texts and a producer. Of course, a great role was played by script writers Nataša Tepša Budija and Nino Perić who have adapted the texts, as well as prepared children for their parts. And the children showed exceptional responsibility and dedication, all the while truly enjoying creating these important messages for the society through their roles.

  • How do you select a director?

As I’ve mentioned before, none of our team members are in the movie business professionally and neither is our director Emir Mulalić, but like all the other members of our little team, he accepted to direct and edit the movies with no hesitation. I believe he enjoyed doing it and optimistically and enthusiastically took it as a challenge.

  • Would you recommend writers think like a producer when writing their script? Or, just write with reckless abandon and then worry about the cost, or whatever, after they’ve grabbed a producer’s attention.

“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” Money and costs can easily cloud the point, the message. So for me the most important thing is to write truthfully, from the heart, write “like it matters, and it will.”

  • How involved in the writing of a project do you get? Are you more involved in the initial development?

Very much involved in all stages, as mentioned before.

  • How much influence as a producer do you have with the choices made by the director and/or DP?

The strength of the team is each individual member. The director, Emir Mulalić, and DP, Paulino Girotto, were dedicated to their job and there was no need to meddle in their decisions.

  • What is the most important thing you have learned during your career?

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

  • If you had an unlimited budget at your disposal, what would be your dream production project?

More satirical movies on many different subjects, mainly those that furstrate us daily and fanatically attack us at every corner of our daily jobs and lives. We heroically fight them with humor (and films). Humor is the cure, the best means of survival.

  • What does the future of film look like?

If you mean our film – hopefully it is bright. 😊
