Animation Short – Official Selection – April 2021
Why do mosquitoes go to the ear? | Spain | 2021 | 06’
Director: Carlos Urbano Montaño
Writer: Carlos Urbano Montaño
Producer: Carlos Urbano Montaño
Cast: Carlos Urbano Montaño
Synopsis: It is when we sleep that mosquitoes appear lurking in search of our precious blood, but many times they walk buzzing near our ears … do you want to find out why they do it?
The Extraordinary Time-Travelling Adventures of Baron Munchausen | United Kingdom | 2021|02’
Directors: Nigel Lovell, William Seaward
Writers: William Seaward, Nigel Lovell
Producer: Nigel Lovell
Cast: Mungo Tatton-Brown, Alice Moore, William Seaward, Jen Kenny
Synopsis: A family-friendly animated short following the adventures of Baron Munchausen. Suitable for children 5-12 and their adults!
False memory | China | 2020 | 19’
Directors: Shuyu Li , Wenyu Liu
Writers: Shuyu Li , Wenyu Liu
Producers: Shuyu Li , Wenyu Liu
Cast: Rantu, Dahou, Anzhou, Jason, Zehua Su, Watt
Synopsis: Unwilling to accept the fact of his friend Shi Yan’s passing-away, the hero materializes Shi Yan in his memory in the form of a Bug Man, who continues to play with him to escape the depressing reality. Bug Man Shi Yan is monitored by the Memory Administration Bureau, and the memory collectors Fang Tang and Bai Zhong are assigned to retrieve him. In the melee, Bug Man Shi Yan realizes that whether he exists or not would not help the hero to buck up. Therefore, he takes the last opportunity to change the reality of the hero, leading him out of the comfortable space to encounter all challenges with his own strength in the future.
About Her | Brazil | 2020 | 05’
Director: Wagner Cinelli
Writer: Wagner Cinelli
Producer: Com Dominio Filmes
Synopsis: ABOUT HER deals with a sad and unfortunate issue: domestic violence against women. It is the story of a relationship marked by inequality and violence in which the male partner abusive behavior grows daily. Besides physical and psychological aggressions imposed on women, death could be one of the outcomes. At the end of the day, these abusive men frequently become killers in their own homes. Due to the alarming numbers of feminicide worldwide, it is urgent: we must talk about it.
Reflection | Switzerland | 2021 | 05’
Director: Mathilde Heu
Producer: Mark Kelly
Synopsis: En: In ‘Reflection’, metamorphosis, weightlessness, change of scale and spaces challenge our apprehension. Similarly to waves’ ebb and flow, its loop brings us back to a dream space, as if everything could start again.
Fr: Dans ‘Reflection’, métamorphose, apesanteur, changements d’échelles et d’espaces bouleversent notre appréhension. “À l’instar du ressac des vagues, sa boucle nous renvoie à l’espace du rêve, comme si tout pouvait recommencer sans fin.”
Children Short – Official Selection – April 2021
Momster | Republic of Korea | 2021 | 10’
Director: Ju Yung Hong
Writer: Ju Yung Hong
Producers: Daun Hong, Minkyung Kim
Cast: Ayoung Kim, Taeyoon Kim, Seungsoo Lim
Synopsis: Jihee, who is the main character in this film, is 8 years old and she was born late in her family. Her mom used to treat Jihee warmly but lately her behavior have changed. She often has hot flashes and mood swings (which are the symptoms of Menopause). Jihee tells her friend Jaemin about this situation and Jaemin thinks a monster got into Jihee’s mother, so he gives some solutions about it. However, those solutions didn’t work out. Therefore, Jihee decided to make herbal medicine for her mother by putting ingredients that she likes. While Jihee makes the medicine, she drops the ingredients by accident. Her mother came to the kitchen and got angry about what Jihee did. Jihee started to punch her mother and her mother got surprised about Jihee’s behavior. Mother realized the reason why Jihee did to her and it was because Jihee thought a monster got into her mother’s body. The film ends by leaving the house to get some ice cream for Jihee.
Ole, Benni und der Rest des Universums | Germany | 2020 | 23’
Director: Anna Ludwig
Writer: Anna Ludwig
Producer: Anna Ludwig
Cast: Leopold Schill, Frederik Dahnk, Helena Prison, Ferdinand Ranninger
Synopsis: Oles Freund Benni hat das Down-Syndrom. Doch das hat Ole nie gestört. Bis die große Schwimmfreizeit bevorsteht und die anderen Kinder im Verein nicht wollen, dass Benni mitkommt. Denn jetzt muss Ole sich für eine Seite entscheiden. Dass Ole zum ersten Mal verliebt ist, macht die Sache auch nicht leichter… That his friend Benni has the Down syndrome, Ole (11) has never disturbed so far. But now – on the threshold of childhood to youth – their friendship is changing. Ole is in love for the first time and suddenly it’s no longer easy to stand by his friend …
Yendor – The Journey of a Junior Adventurer | United Kingdom | 2021 | 18’
Directors: Rodney Matthews, Sarah Matthews
Writers: Rodney Matthews, Sarah Matthews
Producers: Rodney Matthews, Sarah Matthews
Synopsis: Longing to be an adventurer like his father, young Yendor sets off into the wild country, alone. Little does the small boy with big dreams know, that his chosen path is a perilous one! Waiting for him around every corner is a fantastical beast – a Grumposaur, a Killwing and the nastiest of them all, the Marauding Scrawnies! Will his skill and wit be enough to get him home again?
DUET | United States | 2020 | 21’
Director: Mika Orr
Writer: Mika Orr
Producer: Hila Ben Shushan
Cast: Talia Kadoury, Hili Levy , Alex Moshe , Michal Eliassaf , Golan Azulai , Adi Gilat
Synopsis: Duet is the story of one fateful day in the lives of 8-year-old girls May and Shadmit, who dislike each other but learn that their lives have become oddly intertwined forever. Duet is a multidisciplinary project, uniquely integrating film and music. The story raises questions about loneliness, regret, subject memory and fate that ties two children together for a lifetime.
Commercial/Ad/TVC Short – Official Selection – April 2021
My Little Oven | Czech Republic | 2020 | 01’
Director: Jana N.
Synopsis: A short viral video of thirty one seconds with a cheerful allegory on such controversial issue as the pregnant woman’s right to choose.
Sen Soy. Sense Asia | Russian Federation | 2020 | 01’
Director: Denis Gulyar
Writers: Denis Gulyar, Roman Salakhutdinov, Alexey Stasyuk, Alexandra Mityushova
Producers: Alexey Stasyuk, Liza Lavrova
Synopsis: A visitor to the restaurant ordered a dish from Pan-Asian expert Sen Soy. The aroma of cooking has started its incredible adventure, which transforms the everyday life of the city into something fantastic.
Debut – Official Selection – April 2021
BLACKOUT | Ukraine | 2021 | 10’
Director: Ilya Mikhaylus
Writer: Ilya Mikhaylus
Producer: Ilya Mikhaylus
Cast: Slava Babenkov
Synopsis: An infantile web designer surrounded by modern gadgets finds himself locked in an apartment without electricity. Finding a way to survive the blackout, he recalls a forgotten childhood dream. But will he stay true to himself when the electricity returns?
Origin | Czech Republic | 2021 | 18’
Director: Alexandr Borecký
Writer: Alexandr Borecký
Producer: Alexandr Borecký
Cast: Jiří Skřivánek, Lukáš Labuda, Alexandr Borecký, Jenn Kirk, David Jablonski
Synopsis: Three friends, that had known each other since they were little kids, have decided to spend a night out together. Leo, a person that relies heavily on their friendship, is realising how much he has been lacking behind in his life when he sees his how much his friends grew as people, outside their little circle. This makes Leo reconsider his approach to life and also makes him think about how much relying on the friendship has hold him back.
La Ligne De Vie | Italy | 2021 | 15’
Director: Chiara Cocci
Writer: Chiara Cocci
Producer: Chiara Cocci
Cast: Jacopo Somma, Giulia Campana, Don Giuseppe Capecci
Synopsis: A trip into the psyche of an anonymous subject, that for that, in a love story, it’s still universal almost talking as an omniscent narrator. In artistic, sound and sperimental analysis, love, existentialism and suffering complete a process of peace of mind.
Bill | United States | 2020 | 06’
Director: Jeremy Munro
Writer: Jeremy Munro
Producer: Jeremy Munro
Cast: Jamie Pierce
Synopsis: Exhausted by keeping up appearances, Bill struggles to break his everyday habits and find his true self.
Documentary Short – Official Selection – April 2021
Caroline’s Stamps | Belgium | 2020 | 15’
Director: Liesbeth De Mey
Writer: Liesbeth De Mey
Producers: Liesbeth De Mey, Cinecrowd, Delcampe
Cast: Caroline Rafaelle Van Hulle
Synopsis: Caroline Rafaëlle Van Hulle (60) is a Flemish painter in Paris. Thirty years ago she moved to Paris to fulfill her dream as a painter. Convinced to continue to pursue her dream, she is confronted with solitude and the time that passes. The contrast with her former life as a top model where she traveled all over the world could not be greater. In the preparation of her 15th exhibition “Stamps from around the world” you follow her in the preparation and discover her stories behind some stamps, how she deals with her weaknesses and how she has always kept fighting, through art.
Still Koroška | Austria | 2021 | 30’
Director: Katharina Brunner, Nils Kaltschmidt
Writer: Nils Kaltschmidt
Producers: HENX OG (Nils Kaltschmidt)
Synopsis: A young mother wants to pass on the Carinthian-Slovenian minority language to her daughter in Graz, Austria. Over twenty years ago, a father failed precisely to do that, hence language plays a role in the relationship with his son. A rapper with Carinthian and American roots shows how he overcomes minority identities, whereas a theater professional calls on politicians to finally give space to the Slovene language, culture & identity in Austria. Still Koroška is a short documentary about the many ways of being Carinthian-Slovenian, about the loss of language and the desire not to lose it amongst linguistic minorities.
URBANO | Germany | 2021 | 08’
Directors: Ken Kamara, Arianna Marin
Producer: Cinque alpha
Cast: Urbano Taquecher Ruiz
Synopsis: URBANO is a ride through the charming streets of old Havana and a glimpse into the life of one of her bicitaxi riders. Pedalling alongside majestic buildings, reminiscent of a crumbling past that seems to be haunting this vibrant city, Urbano takes us on a journey where struggle and hope, harshness and tenderness, music, rum and love mix together in an honest portrait of the Cuban capital and the spirit of her people.
Wild is the Spring | United States | 2021 | 09’
Director: Adla massoud
Writer: Adla Massoud
Producer: Adla Massoud
Synopsis: The story of a Syrian teenage refugee boy from Idlib who is living now in Lebanon..Like millions of Syrian children, he lost his country, education, home and equilibrium. He talks about missing out on life and his future. He speaks of longing and frustration.
Company Culture | Hong Kong | 2021 | 07’
Director: Ran Zhang
Producer: Wallas Lin
Cast: Vince Yue
Synopsis: The Company Tattoo, a tattoo parlor location in Mong Kok, Hong Kong, is a well established studio holding a reputation for unique styles and refined techniques. The studio is decorated with unique art pieces and designs from around the world, mostly as gifts from other artists in the industry. As a subculture which has only recently been more widely accepted into the public’s eye in many cultures, Vince Yue, the studio’s owner speaks on his journey as a tattoo artist and the values that have held true for him in reaching the stage of his career today. Our story recounts Vince’s origins and his initial inspiration for the craft. As we travel through his reflections of the trials and tribulations of his past, we reach the studio in the present day where he muses on the importance of persistence, passion and sacrifice in the shaping of the culture of creative work shared by the artists of The Company Tattoo.
Sting Like a Bee | Italy | 2020 | 05’
Director: Leone
Producer: Beatrice Lebrun
Cast: Nicola Antonini, Matilde Talia
Synopsis: A modern take on traditional courting, Sting Like a Bee is a musical journey in collaboration with jazz pianist Ze in the Clouds. The short film takes us on a quest in search of love through the streets of the Italian southern town of Vasto. As we follow the adventures of protagonist Nicola Antonini and his friends, we soon learn of the romantic dynamics and interactions that evoke the all too familiar summer days of adolescence. Sting Like a Bee is a tribute to one of Italy’s most iconic vehicles, the Piaggio Ape. Translating as “bee”, director Leone Balduzzi draws parallels between the restless bees in search of the sweetest flower and Nicola buzzing around in the hope of catching the attention of Matilde Talia – the prettiest girl in town.
Bengal Brother | United Kingdom | 2020 | 32’
Director: Sam Ra
Producers: Ivan Murphy, Sam Ra
Synopsis: Award winning film maker Sam Ra, follows her brother’s journey to meet their dead father’s family in Kolkata, India. A candid and very personal story of family, masculinity and loss. 32mins Documentary (2020) Directed and Edited by Sam Ra Executive Producer Ivan Murphy Soundtrack Narotam Horn Featuring He’s Gone by Suede
Finding My Roots: Tale of Two Carries | United States | 2021 | 17’
Directors: Carrie Bernans, 35 Miles
Writers: Carrie Bernans, Patricia Lee
Producers: Carrie Bernans, Patricia Lee, 35 Miles
Cast: Carrie Larry, Carrie Bernans
Synopsis: Carrie Annie Bernans, named after her grandma Carrie and great-grandma Carrie is on a quest to “find her roots.” She takes a trip with her grandma from Memphis, TN to the Mississippi Delta and stops at places in between to learn how her grandma raised 10 children including her mom in one of the poorest counties in the U.S. at that time, discovering common traits, and share the emotional experience with viewers. Analyzing history, tracing the roots between slavery to sharecropping, and occasionally debunking long-held beliefs.
Ayse | Turkey | 2020 | 09’
Director: Işıntan Kurşun
Producers: Işıntan Kurşun, Arınç Arısoy, Batuhan Calkı
Cast: Ayşe Dirikman
Synopsis: ‘Ayşe’ tells the story of a woman who was isolated from city life and its pollution 27 years ago. Ayse started to travel in 1993 for moving away from pollition, stress and disrespect. While discovering through many different areas during her journey, the idea of creating a garden that communicate with nature was formed. For 16 years, she’s still living with her husband and her companies from all around the world.
Angel House | The First 10 | United States | 2020 | 12’
Director: Neal E. Johnson
Writer: Neal E. Johnson
Producer: Matt Sheehan
Cast: Lindsay Russo
Synopsis: What began as the heart-cry of a young woman, has now become the home for so many of India’s orphaned girls and boys. Journey through the first 10 years of Angel House.
Living on the Line | Australia | 2021 | 13’
Director: Sara Ehrlich
Producer: Sara Ehrlich
Cast: Anna Romanov, Kat Horton
Synopsis: ‘Living on the Line’ follows the journey of Anna, Kat and a group of inspiring women as they take part in one of Australia’s first big ‘all women’ highline gatherings. We witness their struggles as they confront and conquer their fears in high winds, pushing themselves to the limit. The film gives an insight into the unique world of highlining – exploring the close Sydney community, physical and psychological components and misconceptions of the sport. It delves into how the world of outdoor adventure sport has transformed for women over the years and the deeper and more personal motivations for chasing this adventurous ‘life on the line’.
Experimental Short – Official Selection – April 2021
If She Goes | Jordan | 2021 | 08’
Director: Meina Hawashin
Writer: Meina Hawashin
Producers: Laith Yaghmour, Meina Hawashin
Cast: Alaa Hajj Eid, Lina Abu Rizeq
Synopsis: When two characters of different goals, personalities and perspectives find common ground, they decide to unite together and achieve their goals. For a while everything seems rather peaceful but not everything is what it seems.
Office | Italy | 2020 | 23’
Director: Salvatore scaduto
Writer: Stefano Ianne
Producer: Stefano Ianne
Synopsis: A white sterile background; on the left, a small table with an old television on it; on the right, in good order on the glass top of the writing desk, screen and keyboard, paper and pen, a lamp, a cup of coffee, a worn keys calculator, a clock radio whose display stubbornly reads 04:00; a swivel chair; aseptic colourless light. The expressionisticly stripped version of an office, which is immediately viewed as a non-place, or as the inner landscape of an emotionless humanity. A man in white-collar clothes enters the scene. An apparent contradiction: he seems both lost and perfectly playing the part. Interacting with the things around, he reveals much about himself through the autistic repetition of his gestures. He steps out, steps in again: new clothes, just as anonymous. With a forced smile, offers his right hand to an off-screen visitor, almost a sinister invitation to the viewer. Office, musical video in support of Stefano Ianne’s homonymous piece, taken from the album Trans Europa, starts from here, from a setting which reminds Terry Gilliam’s Brazil’s retrofuturist atmosphere – in turn, debtor to Orwell –, as well as the existential isolationism staged by Alan Parker’s The wall. Actually Office is a unicum in Ianne’s artistic production. Not only because of its duration – 22 minutes –, but also because it definitely bans those melodic openings which represent Ianne’s trademark, and which has led the critics to resemble his music to the most romantic wing of minimalism. Ambient noises, glacial timbres, stylization brought to the borders of abstractionism, radical refuse of every kind of harmonic plot: Office is like an essay about stasis. A sound which, even if it doesn’t stagnate, is anyway destined to a distilled flowing, always repeating itself. An ideal red rope connecting the pioneers’experimentation – Cage, Eno, La Monte Young – to the modern drone music. And not betraying the lack of development of the music and actually enhancing it, the film doesn’t renounce a smooth narrative intent. Through micromovements, overlay, frames which alternate off-axis perspectives and the coldest symmetry, Salvatore Scaduto’s camera tells one emblematic working day of our clerk (played by Ianne himself). Even if it’s pervaded with a clear irony – just think of the stolid glance, similar to Romero’s zombies, while the tv screen shows images of atomic experiments –, Office’s basic thesis is bluntly pessimistic: if a sparkle is lit, it’s short-lived; every possible discovery disclaimed. Man of the crowd, gone through boredom and nausea and neurosis, has finally come to the spastic euphoria of new technologies. And the worm eating the modern artist still has the appearance of a crushing cog brutally impoverishing his soul.
DUET | United States | 2020 | 21’
Director: Mika Orr
Writer: Mika Orr
Producer: Hila Ben Shushan
Cast: Talia Kadoury, Hili Levy , Alex Moshe , Michal Eliassaf , Golan Azulai , Adi Gilat
Synopsis: Duet is the story of one fateful day in the lives of 8-year-old girls May and Shadmit, who dislike each other but learn that their lives have become oddly intertwined forever. Duet is a multidisciplinary project, uniquely integrating film and music. The story raises questions about loneliness, regret, subject memory and fate that ties two children together for a lifetime.
Oasis | United States | 2021 | 01’
Director: Adrien Servadio
Cast: Brett Anne
Synopsis: Aestetic birth of an oasis
HUGSNKISSES | United States | 2021 | 13’
Director: Adam Navas
Writer: Adam Navas
Producer: Adam Navas
Cast: Adam Navas
Synopsis: A single father finds an odd solution for his baby’s insatiable crying.
Fashion Short – Official Selection – April 2021
The Secret Garden | Ukraine | 2021 | 02’
Director: Anastasia Kovalchuk
Producer: Olga Tretyakova
Synopsis: ‘The Secret Garden’ is a fashion film about the bohemian life of 4 girls in a beautiful garden. There are no hidden ideas in this video. We just want you to enjoy this wonderful atmosphere.
Oasis | United States | 2021 | 01’
Director: Adrien Servadio
Cast: Brett Anne
Synopsis: Aestetic birth of an oasis
Mini Short – Official Selection – April 2021
The posh mums are boxing in the square | United Kingdom | 2021 | 03’
Director: Helmie Stil
Writer: Wayne Holloway-Smith
Producers: Poetrycinema, The Healthy Scepticism Project
Cast: Adele Carlsen, Katie Fried
Synopsis: ‘The posh mums are boxing in the square’ is a short film based on the poem by Wayne Holloway-Smith. The film poem is about a mother reimagined into life and given boxing gloves to fight off cancer.
Oasis | United States | 2021 | 01’
Director: Adrien Servadio
Cast: Brett Anne
Synopsis: Aestetic birth of an oasis
Music Video – Official Selection – April 2021
Sing About It | United States | 2021 | 05’
Director: Christine Banna
All I want is here | Spain | 2021 | 04’
Director: Marc Lesperut
Producers: Max de Rosselló, Maria Granell
Cast: Jorel E. , Lucia Fernández, David García, Carla Serrat
Synopsis: All I Want Is Here is a sonic mantra that levitates with a subtle but incessant crescendo that manages to abduct the viewer, leading them into a hazy and introspective tale about the search for essence. The video has an almost mystical force and depth that invites you to go on a journey, eyes-closed.
Reflection | Switzerland | 2021 | 05’
Director: Mathilde Heu
Producer: Mark Kelly
Synopsis: En: In ‘Reflection’, metamorphosis, weightlessness, change of scale and spaces challenge our apprehension. Similarly to waves’ ebb and flow, its loop brings us back to a dream space, as if everything could start again.
Fr: Dans ‘Reflection’, métamorphose, apesanteur, changements d’échelles et d’espaces bouleversent notre appréhension. “À l’instar du ressac des vagues, sa boucle nous renvoie à l’espace du rêve, comme si tout pouvait recommencer sans fin.”
Narrative Short – Official Selection – April 2021
Woodland Cemetery | Netherlands | 2020 | 10’
Director: Niels Bourgonje
Writer: Niels Bourgonje
Producer: Niels Bourgonje
Cast: Josefin Asplund
Synopsis: A photographer has the assignment to shoot Skogskyrkogarden, a cemetery located in the woods of Stockholm. There she sees an old woman placing a lantern on a grave. When the photographer shoots a picture of this very private moment, she soon finds out that this haunting image is more haunted than she bargained for.
Knock 3 times | Lithuania | 2020 | 14’
Director: Klaudija Matvejevaitė
Writer: Klaudija Matvejevaitė
Producers: Urte Emile Askeloviciute, Baltic Productions
Cast: Karolis Vilkas
Synopsis: Young blind priest serves his first week in an old city church undergoing restoration. While the priest is getting familiar with the church space and its visitors, they also need to get accustomed to the new priest.
Raw Talent | France | 2021 | 03’
Directors: Roxane Pardo, Alix Pardo
Writers: Roxane Pardo, Alix Pardo
Producer: Roxane Pardo
Cast: Agata Stala, Vincent Paillier
Synopsis: Today is casting day for Claire.
Downfall | Switzerland | 2021 | 09’
Director: Micha Meyer
Writer: Micha Meyer
Producer: Micha Meyer
Cast: Timon Meyer, Micha Meyer
Synopsis: Ian is deeply unsettled about the origins of his dreams. With the help of Luca, he hopes to get to the bottom of these strange images that run through his head at night. However, when he fails to remember how he came to this place with his friend, he is forced to wonder if he has not ended up in a dream again.
The Awakening | Poland | 2021 | 15’
Director: Karolina Łachmacka
Writer: Karolina Łachmacka
Producer: Karolina Łachmacka
Cast: Krzysztof Matuszewski, Anna Rusiecka
IT’S MORE RELIABLE THIS WAY | Russian Federation | 2021 | 30’
Director: Sophie Salman
Writers: Sophie Salman, Raisa Mironova
Producer: Raisa Mironova
Synopsis: A woman over 50-years old escapes loneliness on a dating site. She goes on a date out of curiosity. However, this one results in her making a hard life decision.
OUT OF TIME | France | 2021 | 09’
Synopsis: This time, Felix is risking a lot. The director summoned his mother and threatened to deny him the access to the establishment. But what could Felix have done? And what kind of establishment is it exactly?
Marblehead | United States | 2021 | 11’
Directors: Kevin Walker, Jack Auen
Writers: Kevin Walker, Jack Auen
Cast: Chip Meister, Lee Cox, Nick Johnson, Katherine Clarke, Nicholas Jeffries, Angie Carter, Bob Slowey
Synopsis: A cryptic man’s little life. He lives amongst the graves at New Redeemer Cemetery.
I Am | Germany | 2020 | 27’
Director: Jerry Hoffmaann
Writer: Florens Huhn
Producer: Stella Flicker (Creative Producer)
Cast: Melodie Wakivuamina, Sheri Hagen
Synopsis: One day, the withdrawn Noé finds a motionless android in the forest, takes it with her and reactivates it. It’s the beginning of a strange relationship. Far too late, Noé realizes that the android is about to copy her personality.
A Little Circus | Japan | 2021 | 27’
Director: Yoshiro Osaka
Writer: Yoshiro Osaka
Producer: Ryan Barton
Cast: Nov Lyheng
Synopsis: In the town of Battambang: Birthplace of Cambodian circus, bombastic virus and news bedevil an innocent young circus boy, Theara. His best friends unite and play a circus for him.
No/Low Budget – Official Selection – April 2021
Kid dreams | Chile | 12’
Director: Benjamín Leiter Henriquez
Writer: Benjamín Leiter Henriquez
Producer: Carolina Gutierrez
Cast: Victor Varela
Synopsis: A lost soldier at the end of the war, remembers as a child his motivation to go to combat. Disappointed by reality, he wanders alone, causing his death.
Oasis | United States | 2021 | 01’
Director: Adrien Servadio
Cast: Brett Anne
Synopsis: Aestetic birth of an oasis
ADVENTURE BROTHERS Web Series – Episode 2: “Adventure Brothers and The Mountain of Fire” | United Kingdom | 2021 | 22’
Directors: Paul Longley, James Longley
Writers: Paul Longley, James Longley
Producers: Paul Longley, James Longley
Cast: Paul Longley, James Longley
Synopsis: ADVENTURE BROTHERS WEB SERIES After their late grandfather leaves Paul and James a box of their old childhood drawings and a bag full of potential titles to create stories from, the brothers are transported into nostalgic and wonderful worlds made from their childhood creations, powered by their reawakened imaginations and full of adventure. Episode 2 – “ADVENTURE BROTHERS AND THE MOUNTAIN OF FIRE” Paul and James set off to complete the adventure that is “The Mountain of Fire”; an unfinished, heavily plagiarised mess of a story once unsuccessfully penned by James as a child. The brothers must save the un-creatively named ‘Mountain of Fire Village’ from the very shadows of the great Mountain of Fire. Will they succeed in their quest? Or were James’s poor story writing skills from yesteryear just too poor to see the story through to a successful and coherent conclusion?
Series (Web/TV) – Official Selection – April 2021
Abadai | Israel | 2020 | 30’
Directors: Sivan Malca , Vladimir Dzyackevich, Orit Nahari Tzipkin
Writers: Sivan Malca , Vladimir Dzyackevich, Orit Nahari Tzipkin
Producers: Binyamin Gurevich , Tzachi Sharon
Cast: Gil Desiano Bitton, Sivan Malca, Eyal Cohen, Eyal Ciobanu
Synopsis: Shlomi is a taxi driver who thinks he can solve his problems and return to his family with money he doesn’t have. Sadly, the opposite is true.
ADVENTURE BROTHERS Web Series – Episode 2: “Adventure Brothers and The Mountain of Fire” | United Kingdom | 2021 | 23’
Directors: Paul Longley, James Longley
Writers: Paul Longley, James Longley
Producers: Paul Longley, James Longley
Cast: Paul Longley, James Longley
Synopsis: ADVENTURE BROTHERS WEB SERIES After their late grandfather leaves Paul and James a box of their old childhood drawings and a bag full of potential titles to create stories from, the brothers are transported into nostalgic and wonderful worlds made from their childhood creations, powered by their reawakened imaginations and full of adventure. Episode 2 – “ADVENTURE BROTHERS AND THE MOUNTAIN OF FIRE” Paul and James set off to complete the adventure that is “The Mountain of Fire”; an unfinished, heavily plagiarised mess of a story once unsuccessfully penned by James as a child. The brothers must save the un-creatively named ‘Mountain of Fire Village’ from the very shadows of the great Mountain of Fire. Will they succeed in their quest? Or were James’s poor story writing skills from yesteryear just too poor to see the story through to a successful and coherent conclusion?
Short Adventure/Action – Official Selection – April 2021
Evolutionary | United Kingdom | 15’
Director: Oliver Crawford
Writer: Oliver Crawford
Producer: James Player
Cast: Tim Bentinck, Sean Knopp, Stephanie Siadatan
Synopsis: A military-led government sends out a Special Forces team to track down an unknown creature in an abandoned warehouse.
RAFAEL | Finland | 2021 | 05’
Director: Pauli Pietilä
Writers: Pauli Pietilä, Miia Tikkanen
Producers: Pauli Pietilä, Erkki Busnov, Tuuli Lounela
Cast: Joni Sydänlammi, Juuso Martikainen, Akseli Koskinen, Alex Sekevich
Synopsis: Rafael’s toy car sparks the interest of men with foul intentions, but this time he decides to be the hero – and fight back. The fight, however, is interrupted by a familiar voice.
Short Dance/Musical – Official Selection – April 2021
It Cries Too Loudly | United States | 2021 | 09’
Director: Dolly Sfeir
Producers: Chad Austin , Abingdon Virtual Productions, Pierre Marais
Cast: Ian Spring, Omar Roman De Jesus, Annalee Traylor
TANG’O | France | 2020 | 04’
Synopsis: Sometimes, art is doing something simply because we know it will be beautiful. With the combination of water, lighting and dancer Ariadna’s talent, TANG’O offers the viewer an innovative take on underwater videography and art in general. In my eyes, beauty and joy are related. This is why we choose such powerful, dynamic and lively music and choreography. During these 3 minutes, I would like the viewer to be transported far away from daily routine, into a mesmerizing dreamlike world. The dancer and cameraman freedived 120 times to complete filming.
Short Drama – Official Selection – April 2021
Knock 3 times | Lithuania | 2020 | 14’
Director: Klaudija Matvejevaitė
Writer: Klaudija Matvejevaitė
Producers: Urte Emile Askeloviciute, Baltic Productions
Cast: Karolis Vilkas
Synopsis: Young blind priest serves his first week in an old city church undergoing restoration. While the priest is getting familiar with the church space and its visitors, they also need to get accustomed to the new priest.
Barrier | Netherlands | 2020 | 09’
Director: Niels Bourgonje
Writer: Paul Bontenbal
Producer: Joris Vorselaars
Cast: Walt Klink, Bill Barberis, Craig Stott
Synopsis: September 1944. Two Canadian soldiers find a boy washed up on the Dutch beach.
Where did he come from and can he be trusted?
IT’S MORE RELIABLE THIS WAY | Russian Federation | 2021 | 30’
Director: Sophie Salman
Writers: Sophie Salman, Raisa Mironova
Producer: Raisa Mironova
Synopsis: A woman over 50-years old escapes loneliness on a dating site. She goes on a date out of curiosity. However, this one results in her making a hard life decision.
Radical scìc | Italy | 2020 | 17’
Director: Lers Film
Writer: Gianni Spezzano
Producers: Mario Paradiso jr., Gianni Spezzano
Cast: Cristel Checca, Adriano Pantaleo, Mario Paradiso jr., Gianni Spezzano, Giulia Visaggi, Enrico Sortino
Synopsis: “Theater with no rush” is a theater company that loses it’s main element, theater director Sarnelli. The director withdrawal causes confusion in the young company, as they were finishing to prepare “A Sea Hamlet”. A production to premier in an upcoming festival. A unique occasion to emerge in the business. The company starts looking for a new director. After some researches they find Carmine, a Neapolitan theater person quite a bit rough around the edges. Carmine seems anything but a director. His way of acting and talking resamble that of a gangster rather than that of an artist. Even so, given the company’s state of despair, they choose to give him a chance. But Carmine will turn out to be a well- rounded artist and with his “reality performance” will make their artistic life anything but simple.
The Stench. | Republic of Korea | 2020 | 20’
Director: WON JANG
Writer: WON JANG
Producer: Yeonghwan Jeong
Cast: Shinhyun Kang
Synopsis: An old man is devastated losing money in his damp little room. A variety of people living in the other rooms starts to suspect each other. Who was the immoral one?
THE GIFT OF UNIVERSE | Russian Federation | 2021 | 27’
Director: Elena Elagina
Writers: Elena Elagina, Anna-Katarina Sereda
Producer: Elena Elagina
Synopsis: As of the last day of the year, Alina receives from her lover the keys to his new apartment, but the idyll is shattered by a call from Valera’s ex-wife. Valera goes to help her out, and Alina leaves for the country, where she meets her first crush.
A Little Circus | Japan | 2021 | 27’
Director: Yoshiro Osaka
Writer: Yoshiro Osaka
Producer: Ryan Barton
Cast: Nov Lyheng
Synopsis: In the town of Battambang: Birthplace of Cambodian circus, bombastic virus and news bedevil an innocent young circus boy, Theara. His best friends unite and play a circus for him.
We Are Not Here | Norway | 2021 | 07’
Director: Kasper Quintanilla
Writers: Kasper Quintanilla, Sunneva Elvarsdóttir
Producers: Maja Flaathe, Kasper Quintanilla
Cast: Helle Bendixen, Ingeborg Mantor, Fanny Ovesen
Synopsis: After recently finding herself in the afterlife, a young woman and her new companion are moving freely through time and space while being invisible. But this sense of freedom is challenged by the fact that they’re not able to touch each other.
Short Fantasy/Sci-Fi – Official Selection – April 2021
I Am | Germany | 2020 | 27’
Director: Jerry Hoffmaann
Writer: Florens Huhn
Producer: Stella Flicker (Creative Producer)
Cast: Melodie Wakivuamina, Sheri Hagen
Synopsis: One day, the withdrawn Noé finds a motionless android in the forest, takes it with her and reactivates it. It’s the beginning of a strange relationship. Far too late, Noé realizes that the android is about to copy her personality.
The Shift | Sweden | 2021 | 08’
Director: Johan Samuelsson
Writer: Johan Samuelsson
Producers: Johan Samuelsson, Crispin Stensson
Synopsis: Many years ago tech giants lost control of AI robotic technology. By kidnappning and monitoring newborns, the Ai robots are now trying to master the one thing they have yet to understand… Creativity. The film starts with a kidnapped human baby boy. We see two of the AI droids implanting iris surveillance chips into the babies eyes. 15 years later. The film follows one of the children that are being studied. One day he stumbles upon a strange device that gives him an insight to the reality that he actually lives in.
Vacated | United States | 2021 | 03’
Director: Luke DePalatis
Writer: Luke DePalatis
Producer: Luke DePalatis
Cast: Christopher Wright, Patrick Hawkes
Synopsis: When the sun threatens to swallow the Earth, one man chooses not to flee.
We Are Not Here | Norway | 2021 | 07’
Director: Kasper Quintanilla
Writer: Kasper Quintanilla, Sunneva Elvarsdóttir
Producers: Maja Flaathe, Kasper Quintanilla
Cast: Helle Bendixen, Ingeborg Mantor, Fanny Ovesen
Synopsis: After recently finding herself in the afterlife, a young woman and her new companion are moving freely through time and space while being invisible. But this sense of freedom is challenged by the fact that they’re not able to touch each other.
Short Horror – Official Selection – April 2021
Mousetrap on the darknet | Russian Federation | 2020 | 30’
Director: Tanya Vigel, Andrey Sergeev
Writer: Tanya Vigel
Producers: Tanya Vigel, Irina Baranova, Andrey Sergeev
Cast: Olga Sutulova, Roman Evdokimov, Platon Lysov, Valentin Samohin
Synopsis: Short film about creepy game, which has been created by an anonymous on the darknet.
Statues | France | 2020 | 27’
Director: Thomas Gallo
Writers: Marie Palinacci, Julie Béguet, Thomas Gallo
Producer: Association APIA
Cast: Ewan Bogart, Casimir Szymczak, Pierrette Chambellan, Lily Gera, Antoine Routard
Synopsis: Two municipal police officers respond to the home of an elderly woman screaming in terror and pain. Upon arriving in front of the house, the two policemen break down the door. Once the door is wide open, silence reigns. The two officers enter and discover a dirty and dusty house. The old lady seems to be living as a recluse in the house. During their search, the two officers are intrigued by the abnormally large number of dolls and statues present, turning their backs on them. Having been persuaded to intervene in a case of domestic violence, the two agents will very quickly find themselves confronted with things that are beyond their control.
Woodland Cemetery | Netherlands | 2020 | 10’
Director: Niels Bourgonje
Writer: Niels Bourgonje
Producer: Niels Bourgonje
Cast: Josefin Asplund
Synopsis: A photographer has the assignment to shoot Skogskyrkogarden, a cemetery located in the woods of Stockholm. There she sees an old woman placing a lantern on a grave. When the photographer shoots a picture of this very private moment, she soon finds out that this haunting image is more haunted than she bargained for.
HUGSNKISSES | United States | 2021 | 13’
Director: Adam Navas
Writer: Adam Navas
Producer: Adam Navas
Cast: Adam Navas
Synopsis: A single father finds an odd solution for his baby’s insatiable crying.
Short Thriller/Mystery – Official Selection – April 2021
SPELL | United States | 2021 | 07’
Director: Philippe Safire
Writer: Philippe Safire
Synopsis: SPELL A Digital Age Tragedy Our story takes place in Digital City, a socially and technologically advanced society. People enjoy access to vast freedoms and rapid economic growth. That is, until a woman reports a mysterious incident unnoticed among the flashing lights and strident sounds of the city. Society as a whole then faces a crisis that will lead to new relationships and a very strange discovery.
444 | Canada | 2020 | 17’
Director: Alexandre Nachi
Writers: Alexandre Nachi, Félix-Antoine Cantin, Shaun Gauthier-Vu
Producers: Alexandre Nachi, Shaun Gauthier, Laurent Allaire
Cast: Félix-Antoine Cantin
Synopsis: Inside a house he doesn’t recognize, with a family he doesn’t know, a young man tries to make some sense of what is happening to him. Everything keeps changing, his mind is sick. ”Trust the protocol” is all he can do.
Student Short – Official Selection – April 2021
Babylon | Czech Republic | 2018 | 09’
Director: Sheida Sheikhha
Writers: Sheida Sheikhha, Michele Rodolfi
Producer: FAMU International
Cast: Anežka Matušinská
Synopsis: A psychological thriller in which Karolina recounts the events that led her to therapy.
Behind the post | United Kingdom | 2020 | 11’
Director: Nicole Georgiou
Producers: Dan Payne , Nicole Georgiou
Cast: Ceara Holness-crone
Synopsis: A short documentary exploring the reality behind being an instagram influencer, because more often than not there is more than what meets the eye in their online personas. This film looks at why we can’t get enough of social media regardless of the tolls it takes on mental health and having a positive body image.
Behind the Wall | United States | 2021 | 28’
Director: Théo Collet
Producer: Théo Collet
Synopsis: Blocked at the American Border, a young Honduran migrant faces the tough reality of survival. After surviving the trip on “La Bestia”, he quickly understands that his journey is far from being over.
And after | Belgium | 2020 | 15’
Director: Marine Follonier
Synopsis: Mute and almost motionless behind a two-way mirror, Gilles and Vanessa, a couple in their thirties, watch their daughter being interrogated. Agathe, 6 years old, explains the sexual touching of which she was a victim.
THE FIRST WORD | Armenia | 2020 | 30’
Director: Artak Serovani-Oganyan
Writer: Artak Serovani-Oganyan
Producers: Gayane Igityan, Vigen Oganyan
Synopsis: A mother and son live in seclusion and make coal for sale. They don’t need words in their work and in their everyday lives; they understand each other with none. What would cause this silence to be broken?
A Beautiful Beach Hut | United Kingdom | 2020 | 10’
Director: Alex Kelly
Writer: Alex Kelly
Producer: Harry Fitt-Martin
Cast: Emi Young, Ailis Young
Synopsis: Two Sister Molly, 22 and Lily, 18 have to empty their childhood from the old family beach hut forcing them to rediscover their youth, memories and traumas that caused them to drift apart. Lily arrives at the beach hut, she begins to go through all of her old childhood toys and memories after a while she realises why she is here, she gatherers all of her mother’s old empty bottles of wine and other alcohol and puts them in a box ready for the bin. After tidying for a while she tries to make a cup of tea but the gas isn’t working, Lily goes outside and starts to take out the old gas canister only to find Molly her older sister she hasn’t seen for a number of years and who finished on bad terms. Molly tries to talk to Lily but to no avail as Lilt storms back into the beach hut, Molly follows, she is quickly taken aback by all of the memories in the hut. After entering the hut Molly starts to look through all of the boxes filled with their old toys as she plays with an old wooden rabbit show notices Lily struggling to control the kayak that she has untied. Molly rushes over to help and after a small spat of attempted teamwork, that kayak falls to the ground knocking over the bottles Lily had cleared up before. The sisters have an argument causing Lily to storm out of the hut leaving Molly behind to sort out the mess they have just caused. Molly investigates the bottles and it becomes clear that Lily was trying to hide them from her. She places it on the side and begins to go through the rest of the old toys her and her sister used to play with. As Molly goes through everything she can’t help herself and starts to put on the odd piece of beach paraphernalia, goggles, flippers and an armband. She decides it is time to go and find her sister and confront her about all the things that have happened in the past. She finds Lily sulking on the shore break, Molly sits down with beside Lily and places a full bottle of port between them as a peace offering. They start to talk and it soon becomes heated as each tries to plead their case with how they dealt with their mother alcoholism. After the conversation on the beach, the girls begin to drink and when they make their way back to the hut they start to dress up more and really reminisce about their childhood and all of the fun things they got up to as children. After spending some time in the hut they go back to the beach where they play as they used to as children running around playing pirates. Both girls are now back to their free childish ways with one another after spending years apart.
Living on the Line | Australia | 2021 | 13’
Director: Sara Ehrlich
Producer: Sara Ehrlich
Cast: Anna Romanov, Kat Horton
Synopsis: ‘Living on the Line’ follows the journey of Anna, Kat and a group of inspiring women as they take part in one of Australia’s first big ‘all women’ highline gatherings. We witness their struggles as they confront and conquer their fears in high winds, pushing themselves to the limit. The film gives an insight into the unique world of highlining – exploring the close Sydney community, physical and psychological components and misconceptions of the sport. It delves into how the world of outdoor adventure sport has transformed for women over the years and the deeper and more personal motivations for chasing this adventurous ‘life on the line’.
Vacated | United States | 2021 | 03’
Director: Luke DePalatis
Writer: Luke DePalatis
Producer: Luke DePalatis
Cast: Christopher Wright, Patrick Hawkes
Synopsis: When the sun threatens to swallow the Earth, one man chooses not to flee.
Trailer – Official Selection – April 2021
Charlie & Yip | United Kingdom | 2014 | 02’
Director: Alexander williams
Writer: Tim Lebbon
Producer: Nathan Erasmus
Cast: Lizzie Waterworth
Synopsis: Charlie brings his pet to school for Show and Tell – with unfortunate results
The Carducci Talent Show | United States | 2020 | 02’
Director: Anthony Fanelli
Writer: Anthony Fanelli
Producer: Anthony Fanelli
Cast: Saydee Dickinson, Johnno Wilson, Sara Fletcher, Anthony Fanelli, Maya Nalli, Michael Strassner, Arielle Fanelli, Andrew Searles, Mirando O’Hare, Lucy Blehar
Synopsis: Welcome to the 37th Carducci Talent Show. Every 4 years a group of childhood friends get together to catch up, reminisce and take part in a friendly and very well organized Talent Show; a tradition originating in Rome that’s been passed down for generations. This year, Tony (Johnno Wilson) brings his new fiancee Emma (Saydee Dickinson) to finally meet his friends and “family” and to watch the show. Pay close attention because as the show begins and the night unravels, so might Emma.